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In our minds...

DanceWorks is a dance studio built on individuality. It is our privilege to give students the opportunity to express themselves through the art of dance and to create well rounded and strong individuals. We welcome our students into an environment where they will develop confidence, self-esteem, and a love for dance.


Dance is an incredible form of exercise but it also provides dancers with the opportunity to be expressive and to be truly proud of what they can do. Each individual comes with their own unique personality and finding the right dance class can really let that individuality shine in a free and beautiful way. We are not about fancy tricks and gimmicks, we are a group of dancers who have a great respect for dance as an art form and a way to express ideas through movement.


The instructors of DanceWorks are working mothers much like the parents who bring their children into our studio. We are dance instructors and love every moment of it, but we are more than that. Yes, we are dance teachers, we are also a speech therapist, a beautition, a teacher, two mothers, and three aunts. We teach dance because of the passion we have for the art form, and becuase we know and appreciate what dance has done for each of us. Dancing has made us the strong, confident individuals that we are today. That is what we bring to the studio and that is what separates us from others. 


When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.

It’s to enjoy each step along the way.”
- Wayne Dyer

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